Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful To Witness A New Beginning

Yesterday I had the privilege of singing in a wedding. I used to do this a lot, but in recent years less so, so it was fun to have this opportunity again.

I've known this couple for a year or so. They are delightful people, and I found it encouraging that they came to our congregation specifically to find a church they could share, since they are coming from two different ones. That showed a commitment to forging a new path as a couple, and being willing to give up old associations, if necessary, to do that.

The rehearsal was the usual confusion of who stands where, but everyone was good naturedly laughing. The wedding party was a largish one, with a wide span of ages, including two little flower girls who were adorably excited. The ceremony itself was simple and traditional, including the couple jumping over a broom before they headed back up the aisle, in a nod to the groom's African-American heritage. They arranged to leave the church in an open carriage, which I thought was brave of them, considering it is November. It was FUN!

So, today I'm thankful that I got to witness the official beginning for a new family, and the joining of two really nice family groups. Best wishes to them!

The November 30 Day Thanksgiving Challenge

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