Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Assisting Each Other Out of the Swamp

Martin Luther said,"...we must never despise anyone who sins but must generously bear with him as a companion in a common misery. We must help one another just as two people caught in the same swamp assist each other. Thus we must 'bear one another's burdens and fulfill the law of Christ' (Galatians 6:2). But if we despise the other, we shall both perish in the same swamp."

I love this quote!


Rose said...

A great quote! I don't remember reading this one before, but then I had never read the one by Luther I posted today either until I found it on a gardening quote website.

In reference to your earlier post about your father on Veterans' Day, he definitely deserves the recognition! It reminds me of my father who went to enlist during the last years of WWII. I can't imagine my kind-hearted father fighting in a war, but he considered it his patriotic duty. Because he was a farmer, though, they sent him home--farmers were needed to keep up food production back then. There was always a note of regret in his voice when he told this story, because he really wanted to do his part for his country.

Joyce said...

Rose, I think that picture of helping each other out of the swamp will stick with me!

I've always heard that my grandfather couldn't enlist in WWI because he was the oldest son on the farm. His four younger brothers all went, and he really felt left out. Left out of being shot at-isn't that strange!