Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Stroll


Anonymous said...

Excelente Blog primera vez que entro y me parece excelente, uno mas para el día a día hay nos vemos.

Salu2. Neo...

Marcie said...

Joyce, I'm so glad you found the Sunday Stroll through Nan's blog. I love your photos. Everything looks so sunny, so green and vibrant. How nice to meet you!

ruchi said...

Sniff. Spring is so much better in the midwest. (Of course you have to go through that terrible winter to get to the spring.)

Joyce said...

aisling, arduous, it's been a beautiful but very wet spring here, with no late frosts to damage the blooming trees. We do feel like all we do is mow, though.

Anonymous said...

so green, so lush!

Out here where the last rain we saw was March, the hills are turning brown :(

And the next rain we see will be in October.

Joyce said...

Cindy, it's so strange to think you go so long without rain! Here, if we have three weeks of dry weather in July, we are sure it's the end of the world and all the crops are going to die. I will say, as beautiful as the scenery is out west, we have one thing you don't-plenty of water.

Nan said...

Those pictures are like a dream. The green, green, green; the dear flowers. Just beautiful. I couldn't live where it wasn't green. My eyes and soul need it.