Welcome to my Sunday Stroll. As I told
Nan today, my garden has been sort of
disappointing this summer. What I'm starting to realize is that we just have more shade, so I need to move some plants around and find them their correct amount of sun, if possible, or plant a few new varieties.
It's another breezy day here, so the phlox were dancing around, sharing their fabulous scent.
The black-eyed
susans are always faithful bloomers, and don't seem to mind what weather or garden pests we are enduring at the moment.
I had a chance to talk to my neighbor about his pumpkins today. He's starting get quite a few visitors to the garden. Everyone is so
fascinated by the
pumpkin's progress!
He told me he shades them from the sun, not only to keep the skins soft (so they can put on 15-20 lbs. a day without splitting), but to keep the fruit dry and avoid fungal diseases.
So, here they are.
To see who else is strolling today, visit The Quiet Country House.
It is unbelievable, isn't it? Thanks!
Those are definitely pampered pumpkins:)
Your flowers look as though they are thriving quite well, sun or shade. Wasn't today just a perfect day?!
It would be hard to have a nicer day in August than we had today! Or, really, any month of the year.
My gravy, that is tremongous.
Joyce, I'm so glad you strolled this week. Even though you mention shade, I particularly like the way the sun is shining in your photos of the black-eyed susans and the phlox. Very pretty!
Oh! My! Goodness!...those pumpkins!!!
I enjoyed your Sunday stroll.
Wow, those are big pumpkins.
Stop by and visit The Gardener Side
I really like strolling today in your garden...those pumpkins are the best taken care of pumpkins I have ever seen...I can't wait to see the end result!
Oh I don't know. I think your garden looks pretty great. I love blackeyed susans. Your neighbor's pumkpin is going along nicely. VERY nicely. I can't imagine what it must look like in person.
Wow! How fun for you and all the passersby to see their growth. Did I ask you about the children's book about pumpkins? I'll have to look it up.
Nan, I don't remember you talking about this book. Let me know what you find.
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