Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Stroll-January 11, 2009

We're receiving another dusting of snow, over a layer of very dangerous black ice. I think every one I spoke to at church this morning had a sliding into the ditch story, or a falling on the ice story, if not on themselves, on someone near and dear to them. Many of our oldest members wisely stayed in.

It is beautiful, though. I haven't strolled the last two Sundays, feeling that the drab gray-brown we've been living with isn't very photogenic. Today, those colors seemed the perfect foil for the pure white of the snow.
To see who else is strolling today, visit Aisling at The Quiet Country House.


Margaret Porter said...

Lovely photos!

Marcie said...

Joyce, Your dusting of snow is so pretty. Be careful on that ice!

Rose said...

Lovely photos, Joyce! I'll take a dusting of snow any day over the ice.

Unknown said...

As soon as I get the time, I'll post pics of our 11 inches of snow with 2 - 3 more coming today...

Joyce said...

Matt, we just keep getting ice. I'm ready for a nice deep snow.